Installing Ruby 2.0.0 on an Amazon Linux AMI
Install a ruby 2.0.0 on an Amazon AMI. This is just a quick update to get version 2.0.0 up. We used the current 64 bits Amazon AMI. Note that the complete procedure might take a few hours on a Amazon Micro instance. Deleting the old version of Ruby also removes the package aws-amitools-ec2. As long as you don’t need to create your own AMIs with this instance, you will be fine. Here is the procedure, as usual log in as ec2-user and perform the following from the shell:
Login as root
1 2 |
Remove the old version of Ruby
Install the dependency packages
1 2 3 4 5 |
After intalling the dependency packages download and install Ruby 2.0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
That’s it! Have fun with Ruby!